Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#7-Boundaries and Discipline

Provervbs 3:12 - For the Lord corrects those he loves,
      just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.

Today, I am thankful for the concept of boundaries and discipline.  I was taught the above scripture from a very young age; it was the explanation I received to the question, "Daddy, why do you spank me?"

As I grew into an adult, I matured into the understanding that our Heavenly Father is just as faithful to correct us when we need it.  I have learned to welcome the spiritual swats that give me direct feedback when I stray outside the boundaries of His will.

This morning, I discovered an additional application for this verse.  We know we are to love God with all our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves.  So the correlation clicked right into place while I was putting mascara on in front of my bathroom mirror.  If I love myself, I will discipline myself!! 

For the bajillionth time in my life, I currently find myself in a struggle about my weight. It is an issue that has proven to be interconnected with every other thought and action I have. Yesterday, I realized that I am happier when I am thin.  And that is a good thing.

So coupled with today's revelation about discipline, I realize I am no different than a child.  If I want to be happy and experience the fullness of life God has for me, I need to parent myself carefully.  I need to restrict that little toddler inside me that thinks a snack equals a carton of Oreos and half a gallon of milk.  I need to say NO to the endearing little girl voice that wheedles, "But I've been sooooo good lately.  Can't I just take a little bitty break?" I know that little girl.  If I give her an inch on that premise, she will take a mile (and ten pounds, and my health and mental clarity, too).  

I can, however, say yes to the disciplined child inside me that wants to enjoy an occasional slice of cheesecake with friends, just because it tastes so darn good. I don't have to stomp on the little kid in me that wants all that fun stuff.  But I do have to keep some pretty strict boundaries and, above all, listen to the juvenile reasoning behind the request. 

Thank you, Lord, for your Word.  Thank you for the Truth that permeates every area of my life.  Thank you for clarity in areas of my life that have been clouded with gray for too long.  And thank you, thank you for your ever faithful and loving discipline! 

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